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The People Code and the Character Code: Omnibus Edition

Dr. Taylor Hartman offers an incisive system for improving your understanding of yourself and others and strengthening your day-to-day relationships. In first The People Code and then The Character Code, Dr. Hartman introduces the Color Code Personality Profile, explaining why people do what they do by identifying four basic personality types and showing you how to use “color profiles” to cultivate rich and balanced character and relationships.

You’re Not Crazy – You’re Codependent

What Everyone Affected by Addiction, Abuse, Trauma or Toxic Shaming Must know to have peace in their lives.

If your life has been affected by addiction (yours or someone else’s), abuse, trauma or toxic shaming, you may also be struggling with another invisible problem – codependency. Without your even being aware of the connection to the above issues, it has created additional life-long challenges such as endless guilt, anxiety, perfectionism, need to control, depression, a history of dysfunctional relationships and much more. This easy to understand, interactive book will reveal how codependency has sobotaged you, the lies it created in your beliefs and the truths that expose them. Also included is a Guide to Recovery using simple acts of mindfulness to overcome harmful habits in your thinking, actions and choices that are keeping you from having peace. Once you understand you are not crazy, just coping with the deep-seated effects of codependency, you will be free to create the life you were always meant to have.

The Co-Dependent Parent: Free Yourself by Freeing Your Child

A parents’ guide to recognizing and breaking intergenerational patterns of co-dependence to help their children learn self-respect and integrity.

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents

If you grew up with an emotionally immature, unavailable, or selfish parent, you may have lingering feelings of anger, loneliness, betrayal, or abandonment. You may recall your childhood as a time when your emotional needs were not met, when your feelings were dismissed, or when you took on adult levels of responsibility in an effort to compensate for your parent’s behavior. These wounds can be healed, and you can move forward in your life.

Boundaries Updated and Expanded Edition: When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life

Boundaries is the book that’s helped over 4 million people learn when to say yes and know how to say no in order to take control of their lives.

Does your life feel like it’s out of control? Perhaps you feel like you have to say yes to everyone’s requests. Maybe you find yourself readily taking responsibility for others’ feelings and problems. Or perhaps you focus so much on being loving and unselfish that you’ve forgotten your own limits and limitations. Or maybe it’s all of the above…

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple: 10 Strategies For Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, And Worry

Cognitive behavior therapy strategies to help you manage anxiety and depression

Get lasting relief from anger, panic, stress, and other mood-related conditions by applying the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy to your daily life.

From writing down your goals to addressing negative thought patterns, this accessible, easy-to-understand cognitive behavioral therapy book gives you everything you need to let the healing begin in one convenient CBT workbook. Learn to grow as a person, overcome challenges, and boost your overall health and well-being.

Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child The Heart of Parenting

Every parent knows the importance of equipping children with the intellectual skills they need to succeed in school and life. But children also need to master their emotions. Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child is a guide to teaching children to understand and regulate their emotional world. And as acclaimed psychologist and researcher John Gottman shows, once they master this important life skill, emotionally intelligent children will enjoy increased self-confidence, greater physical health, better performance in school, and healthier social relationships. Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child will equip parents with a five-step “emotion coaching” process that teaches how to: